Tips for completing the game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Skills #013


Description: The ability to put poisons in other people's pockets to weaken them.
Comments : This perk will be useful only to assassins and only to those who want to kill their targets without arousing suspicion. In my opinion, it is much better to focus character development on performing surprise attacks, especially since these methods do not require any additional materials to succeed.


Description: The transfer limit has been increased by 100 units.
Comments : You may be surprised to learn that this perk has nothing to do with a pocket pocket. This is very useful for all types of characters and especially for warriors in heavy armor. The only downside is that even if you don't want to be an advanced thief, you'll still have to work on your skills and spend at least three skill points to unlock it.

A pickpocket

Description: It is 50% easier to steal gold.
Comments : This is not a perk that you will be interested in, because you will not encounter any problems with gold during the game, and besides, most of the citizens you encounter do not have a lot of gold.


Description: The possibility of stealing keys without the risk of being caught.
Comments on: You should consider buying this perk only if you do not plan to develop the Lockpicking skill at all. Otherwise, it's just a waste of skill points, because it's much better to use lock picks instead of keys (to improve the character's skills).

Incorrect indication

Description: The possibility of stealing equipped weapons from other people.
Comments : This is a very interesting perk that can be used to obtain very powerful weapons without having to pay for them or without having to kill the people who own them. Be sure to check out the perk described below for the perfect "combo".

The perfect touch
Requirements: Pickpocket skill increased to 100 points. The unlocked Misdirection perk.
Description: The possibility of stealing items equipped by other people.
Comments on: The Misdirection perk only allowed you to steal equipped weapons, and this allows you to steal all kinds of things. Your main area of interest is, of course, armor parts, magic rings and amulets. As before, you will have a chance to get hold of very valuable items without killing anyone to get them. This is definitely something that you should be interested in. は、真のギャンブル愛好家のために作られたカジノです。すべてのプレイヤーが好みのものを見つけられるよう、スロット、テーブル ゲーム、ライブ カジノの幅広い選択肢を提供しています。素早い支払い、有益なボーナスやプロモーション、信頼できるサポートにより、当カジノはエキサイティングな余暇を過ごすのに理想的な場所となっています。

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