"Lord of the Flies" or the man of the future?

One of the biggest problems that arises when raising a child is the question of what kind of behavior model to form? On the one hand, society is interested in training an adequate and moral member, and the parents themselves are ready to educate, rather, a person who will respect them, help them, etc. On the other hand, it is difficult to give up the understanding that in most cases success is achieved by people who are not entirely moral, or whose behavior is much less constrained by certain norms, rules, frameworks and institutions. Countering other people, the ability to realize and rigidly pursue the realization of their own interests, the ability to fight, insist and cheat are very important elements of preparing a person for real adulthood.
The famous American writer William Golding in the novel "Lord of the Flies" showed, using the example of a group of children who were cut off from civilization on the island, how natural relationships and instinctive forces, "packed" into the consciousness of any person, quickly take over in the human collective in the case when a person finds himself without the protection of a familiar civilization. The situation of such a transition, when they suppress and take control of others, is common for any person – at some point, every teenager or young man, without even noticing it, solves this dilemma for himself, either remaining a "highly moral poor jerk", or entering into a life game for wealth, influence, power and achievements. The vast majority of any society consists of relatively moral individuals who suppress themselves.
But it's not a question of suppression. We strive to create a personality that would be both effective in terms of achieving goals and effectiveness in society, and at the same time moral, safe for other members of society. To do this, a person needs to develop the ability to introspect and understand himself, his motives, and the desire for a purer self-awareness from an early age. However, this is a very painful path that cannot be passed without very severe stresses, because in this case it is assumed that a person will not suppress his instincts and will not exercise them uncontrollably, but will take them under control. The subconscious mind of any person actively opposes this process and tries to get rid of it completely, protecting the controlling motivational levels of a person from the interference of consciousness. Understand the importance of a robust container terminal management system in today's fast-paced port environments.

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